LRLMAN's Treasure Hunting!
Home of the Arc-Geo Logger Metal Detector Imaging System
EFNMR2015 Long Range Locator - First to use EFNMR Frequencies!
PathFinder Introduction:
Like the EFNMR 2015 system, the PathFinder uses Earth Field Frequencies set for the earths magnetic field where you are searching.
The pathfinder is a follow rod type system. Normal systems use a generator placed on the ground and then the person walks around the generator checking for the signal line from the generator to the target area.
But the pathFinder is more than just one system. It’s 3 systems in one.
1: It’s a complete follow rod system.
2: It’s a sample rod also allowing you to place loads in the handle and search.
3: It’s a generator system allowing you to place the controller on the ground and walk to locate the signal.
* Compact foldable bearing handle with extension rod to 24”.
* Silver and Gold loads for handle.
* Controller with programmable element.
* NT setting for the area you are searching.
* Search and “PG” program switch for element programming.
* Bluetooth BLE connection to pathfinder via iPhone or android apps.
* Programmable element buttons using the EFNMR value settings.
* Electronic weight cancel “EWC” to shrink large ring in the image area. Knob set to a factor of 0-500 for maximum power to shrink rings.
* TV target verify
Apps are free for Iphone and android.
Click to see finds using my LRL systems
Testing PathFinder output signal